How to Become a Freight Broker – Your Door to a Successful Career

A Competitive Yet Lucrative Field

One thing that you must be aware of, is that there are successful freight brokers and not so successful freight brokers. Nothing points up this fact better then one stark statistic on the average freight brokers employment rate. Fully half of the 4000 freight brokers that are working in the U.S. are employed full time.

New Technologies

Traditionally, freight brokers have trained on the job and this is probably the reason that half of them are sitting at home while the other half is working. Just as with many other lines of work, as new computerized technologies began to be implemented, those who were unfamiliar with them had to take a back seat to those who were.

Be Better Prepared

This is why more people now are attending freight broker training academies, either where they live, or online to gain a full understanding of the business before they begin their job search. Also, you will need to pass a test to become a licensed freight broker and and a FBT academy can better prepare you for it.

More Knowledge Required Today

With skyrocketing fuel prices and the slacking economy leaving more freight companies keeping a better watch on their bottom line, the days of someone talking their way into a job as a freight broker are simply long gone. To land a job now, a freight broker must have a full grasp on computer skills and be familiar with the computer software that is commonly used in freight brokering. Also, they must have an understanding of marketing, simple accounting, budgeting and people management, just to name a few of the subjects they also must be familiar with.

About the Author:

Written by Emilia Leyva. Find premium info on How To Become A Freight Broker plus the top information on Truck Broker License

Article Source: - How to Become a Freight Broker – Your Door to a Successful Career

Become A Freight Broker