Freight Agent Training – is it Really Necessary

Is it Just that Easy ?

Is it all that easy though? What if the money doesn't flow in as fast as anticipated, because personal bills have to be paid no matter what. Becoming a freight agent is far easier then becoming a licensed freight broker for one obvious reason and that is that an agent doesn't need to have a license. Also, a freight agent isn't responsible for a business in the same way that a freight broker is.

New Realities in Todays Business Environment

However; it is imperative that a person that is contemplating becoming a freight agent recognize that there is a distinct difference between a freight agent and a “successful” freight agent. Anyone can walk in the door and present themselves as a freight agent and people in the industry are far to aware of this fact. Also, once a person begins working as a freight agent, there are new “realities” that immediately become evident in todays freight shipping business environment.

Todays freight agent “must” have fully functioning computer skills and also fully understand how to use the computer software that is in common use in the business today. Also, they must have a basic comprehension of business and accounting principals as well. This is why more of todays realistic freight agents that have planned for successes have completed one of the many certificate courses that are now available. They not only prepare someone for becoming a  “successful” freight agent, but the certificate that they provide you will qualify you to licensed freight brokering agencies you approach. 

About the Author:

Written by Emilia Leyva. Now you can find more info on Freight Agent Training plus Freight Broker Training

Article Source: - Freight Agent Training – is it Really Necessary

Agent Training