Contracting for Big Profits Through Commercial Cleaning

If you are looking for a great way to receive residual income month after month or a way to supplement your income, here is a surefire Business Idea that has Maximum return on Profits, with little money down or investment capitol.  It is a business that self generates itself without ever having a market seizure, a recession, nor flooded.  It is an $80 billion dollar industry, with expected growth to grow to over $90 billion annually by the year 2010.  How much you want to make is totally up to you, and truthly you can easily build weatlh very quickly by running your own Commercial / Janitorial Cleaning Company, by managing small to mid-size building which is commonly known as contracts or accounts.

The business within itself is very simple and easy to do, and definitely very lucrative.  However, it can be very tricky if one is not careful and fully understand the concepts of the industry.  For it is business, a very big business that demands the knowledge of knowing how to market, how to write a professional bid proposal, and most importantly how to bid in order to obtain the contract.  For there is a standard to commercial cleaning or a template when submitting your proposal, which is known as the Big 3.  It is a routine for your workers to accomplish each time they enter the facility.  This template or checklist serves as the punchlist which ensures things are getting done according to the format of the contractual agreement.  This Contractual Agreement is a service that many companies outsource and pay very well for the services performed.  Allowing one to receive residual income month after month.  This Residual Income can range from as low as $300 to $4000.00 a month with only ONE account and up.  For the, (price commonly known as the BID), has two very important variables. 

The first varible is the square footage of the building or the size of the facility to be cleaned.  Meaning a 1500-3000 sq ft facility is not going to pay what a 5000-8000 sq. ft facility will pay.  Now these are pretty small facilities, when we have office facilities that are 15,000 sq ft. and above.  

The second varible is knowing the frequency of the cleaning or the number of times the facility is to be maintained, (cleaned).  Some acounts only require once a week, some twice a week, and others twice a month, these are your small accounts which take only about 30-45 minutes, (again depending on the size of the facility).  These accounts are very profitable and very easy to manage without taking up alot of time. 

The other frequencies, (number of times to clean), are the 5 days a week and 7 days a week (mostly clubs, bars, and resturants).  These accounts are very lucrative and are usually your bigger facilities.  They pay more due to the number of times you are in there and the hours you have to put in, which is usually no more than 2 - 4, (4 hours being the maximum time, anything beyond that you will be losing money unless you are specilizing in another aspect of the industry such as Cleaning, Polishing or Waxing Floors).                    

Now taking those two variables, here is where the industry gets tricky or better where personal experience and expertise comes into play.  For the ultimate goal is to win the contract.  This is done in two phrases; Knowing how to Write a Professional Bid Proposal and Knowing How to Bid within the two variables above.  

 Again, the Commercial Cleaning Industry is a very LUCRATIVE and STABLE business.  It is highly productive and vibrant with on one company owning no more than 6 percent of the market.  Again, with no more than 6 percent owning the $80 billion annually with expected growth to $90 billion anually by 2010.  It is a business that is viewed by many financial anaylsts as recession proof. 

If you are looking at building wealth, achieving Financial Goals, Getting out of Debt, taking a Dream Vacation, or just looking to make Some Extra Money here is one of the best non-stop businesses' there is.  For there is really only two types of Business.  One is sales and the other is service. 

I have personally written a Commercial Cleaning Start-up Guide from my expertise and experience which is located at  Included within the kit are the Big 3, Professional Bid Proposal, 3 Bid Formulas, and much, much more.



About the Author:

I'm a Fisk University Graduate with a degree in Political Science / Public Administration. I have served in the Military with over 9 years of experience outsourcing contracts to independent contractors. I have over fifteen years in the Commercial Cleaning Industry, which started out as a Floor Maintenance Company.

The information you read is from my personal expertise and education throughout the years in marketing, bidding, and contractual negotiations.

Article Source: - Contracting for Big Profits Through Commercial Cleaning

Financial Freedom, Work From Home, Home Based Business, Part Time Business, Business Idea, Getting Out Of Debt, Starting A Commerical Cleaning Company, Supplementing My Income, Commercial Cleaning Bid Proposal, How To Write A Janitorial Bid Proposal